Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Nigerian illegally staying in Liverpool jailed for biting off friend's nose after row on night out

Stanley Ibe

A man who bit off  his friend's nose in a “savage attack” was jailed for seven and a half years.
Stanley Ibe, 34, of Albert Edward Road, Kensington, was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court yesterday after being found guilty of grievous bodily harm with intent at a trial last month.
Rob Jones, prosecuting, said Ibe and friend Intobong Ukpe had gone into the city centre together on April 4 after a party but had a disagreement over a ticket machine at the Cashino arcade on Richmond Street.
He said the pair went outside the arcade where they had an “altercation”.
He said: “Mr Ukpe was then attacked by the defendant, who had previously sworn at him.
“He bit him on the nose with such force that the bite pulled away the entire soft portion at the end of his nose.”
The court heard the end of Mr Ukpe’s nose was recovered at the scene and taken to hospital with him but medics had been unable to reattach it.
Mr Jones said doctors were hoping to use skin grown on Mr Ukpe’s forehead to perform a skin graft.
Sentencing, Judge Alan Conrad said: “The victim was your friend Intobong Ukpe, whom you attacked following a quarrel on a night out.
“Using your teeth as a weapon you bit off the end of his nose and that caused him permanent injury, an injury that was painful, disfiguring and embarrassing.
“The end of his nose couldn't be reattached and he has had to undergo a protracted course of surgery including stretching the skin on forehead to provide suitable tissue for grafting.
“He had done nothing to warrant such a savage attack and you have shown neither regret nor remorse for your actions.”
Neville Biddell, defending, said Ibe was a man of good character and the attack was an isolated incident.
The court heard Ibe, originally from Nigeria, was illegally overstaying his visa and would be automatically deported following the sentence.

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