I love you. (Unless you've already said it before)
If you haven't said "I love you" to the person you're in bed with before, don't say it to them now. Yes, we know you're just in the moment and may not mean it, but if you say it to someone you just met, you'll look like a bona fide crazy person. If you say it to someone you've been casually dating for a while, but haven't gotten serious with, you'll surely scare him off with your bold declaration. Either way, your romp is over; there's just no way to win with this one. So just keep it simple: Moan, breathe, and call him baby.
.Hurry up!
Sometimes it's not the best sex of your life, but rushing your bedmate will only make it worse. Telling him to hurry up will let him know you're not having fun, and it will seriously detract from his performance. You don't want it to get worse, do you? The best thing you can do is just let him have his fun, and try to enjoy yourself. Play into it, act like you love it, and when he's finished, kick him to the curb and never ask him back up. It's as simple as that.
Will you marry me?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, girl. It's wonderful if you're having such great sex that you want to lock the guy down for the rest of your life, but this isn't the time or place. Bringing up the "m" word is guaranteed to end your night early and maybe even scare your guy off for good.
If you really want to commit to this guy, show him by being really into him in the bedroom. He'll love the attention, and maybe, just maybe, he'll think about asking you on another date.
My ex used to do it this way:
Bringing up past sexual partners is a sure-fire way to insecurity. Don't make your current bedmate feel like he's not good enough, otherwise you're the one who will feel the consequences. If he doesn't feel sexy, he can't give you the sexy. Got it.If there's something you want him to do, take command and show him, but don't bring up exes or old flames; you're only going to make him jealous and turned off.
The wrong name.
This one's bad. There's no quicker way to end a romp than by calling someone by the wrong name. If you're unsure of your partner's name - don't attempt to say it at all. If you somehow get it right, you're in the clear; however, if you get it wrong (which is pretty likely) you're in the doghouse. It's disrespectful, rude, and shows them you were really just in it for the sex all along. If you're questioning their name in any way: don't say it. And definitely don't guess.
Don't tell my boyfriend.
When a guy hears this, it's a huge cue to slam on the brakes. One, they're violating man code: they shouldn't be with someone else's girl. Two, what if the boyfriend is bigger than him? What if he's a real tough guy with anger issues? A guy isn't going to get beat up just for a one-night stand. You can bet your bedmate will bolt if he hears this red flag phrase.
Are those real?
If they don't bring it up, you shouldn't either. If you're with someone who's had plastic surgery, they're likely proud of it - and will have no problem showing it off or telling you about it. If you suspect they've had surgery, but they don't mention it, If you're wrong, it could be offensive and, most likely, mood-killing. So save yourself the trouble and keep your lips sealed. Just enjoy the view.
Nothing makes someone feel used more than saying "thank you" after a romp in the sack. You should both enjoy yourselves and receive mutual satisfaction. Thanks shouldn't be necessary; if they are, someone's doing something wrong.
Unless you're paying your partner for the dirty (which is illegal in most states), just tell them you had fun. Save the thanks for your waiter at dinner.
Let's turn the lights off.
We all like to feel sexy and shown off. Telling someone you want to turn the lights off is like saying, "I just don't want to look at you." It's a one-way ticket to insecurity and hurt feelings for your partner, both of which will put a major damper on your sexy session. Just don't say it. If you're not interested in them, be respectful and tell them; don't make them feel unworthy or unattractive. That won't result in a fun experience for either of you.
10.I think the condom just broke.
If you want to throw your partner into a full-blown panic attack and completely ruin the mood, then say this line. Nothing is more frightening or heart-stopping to a single man or woman than a pregnancy scare, so unless you're totally sure, don't go there.
By the way, this is never a funny joke.
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